Monday, April 04, 2011

Memories Of A Fading Friendship

Life operates in strange ways. Why is it that we suddenly start thinking of old memories and friends out of the blue? There are some memories that bring a smile on the face and some that makes you equally sad. Your best friends become rare acquaintances, long phone conversations are reduced to awkward hello’s and hi’s. Only memories remind you of the good times that you have had. Some relationships drift with time, life moves on and so do people. How nice it would be to wipe away some memories and its implications. Life is cruel at times; it creates situations when you come face to face with your past and you are left with a buzzing numb sensation of how things have changed. How you wish the incident that caused this distance had never happened. You wonder if your friends feel the same way too or if they are too pre occupied to even think of these things. Common friends are probably the ones who are still keeping the fading friendship from dying and they are also remainders of the great friendship that was once shared. The whole purpose of looking at photographs is lost, it no more brings joy, it reminds you of the wonderful past along with the reality of the present. Are some friendships meant to be short lived? It’s surprising how years of mischief, ridicule, protectiveness, giggles, apologies can all be upturned by one bad incident and life will never be the same with that friend. Many times we wonder if our friends also feel the same.